
DTP 320TVR is an easily relocatable system, which can be quickly delivered to the required location using only a boom truck. For operation it required only a shore power or diesel generator, and workplace for operator – which can be organized in the minibus or even truck cabin.
When System equipped with optional conveyor, vehicle moves through the portal without driver, which makes System fully safe for the driver health.
DTP 320TVR provides X-ray imaging in top-down projection – the most efficient way to inspect passenger cars and vans, due to minimum normal vehicle structure interfered with included threads – no prohibited or dangerous objects can be masked by the human body and vehicle structures. At the same time X-rat transmission technology is a most efficient way for light vehicle inspection – X-ray beams penetrate the entire vehicle, and any threat can be easily disclosed, even hidden deeper from the vehicle surface.



  • Weather package
  • Automatic number plate recognition (ANPR)
  • ID cards and passports reader
  • Automatic people detection and counting on X-ray images
  • Prefabricated operator control room module


Key features:

  • Can be easily delivered to site using only a boom truck, and assembled in 1 hour
  • Top-down view is ideal for passenger cars screening
  • Dual energy technology with seven colour coding


Technical data:

Generator specifications:
X-ray generator anode voltage

X-ray source 1 320 kV
X-ray source 2 320 kV
Penetration (Steel) 55 mm
Number and type of projections one, top-down

Unit specifications:

Dimension of inspection tunnel

Width 3,0 m
Height 3,0 m
Scanning speed 0.2 / 0.4 m/s, or 5-15 km/h in drive-through mode


Operating temperature from -20 °C to +50 °C
Operating humidity up to 90%


  • Datasheet 1



Products: X-Ray Screening Systems