

Collecting Invisible Intelligence
X-Alert provides the ability to detect + identify + verify suspects, prevent crimes, predict escalations, and alert officers proactively. With the use of Plug & Play + Portable Smart Detectors and a user-friendly intuitive comprehensive AI Dashboard.


Maximize Your Situational Awareness

  • Increase insights by minimizing camera blind spots
  • Identify entirely unrecognizable suspects
  • Collect factual digital forensic evidence
  • Predict escalations during protests and riots
  • Preventive security against violence and crimes
  • Proactively monitor public spaces + hotspots
  • Reduce assaults against staff and customers
  • Use captured identifiers to pinpoint fleeing suspects
  • Alert officers, staff, customers and people preventively

Revolutionary Cutting-Edge Technology, made available for the Public Sector
As truly all smartphones, wearables, earbuds and even vehicles transmit constantly their ‘identifiers’ as radio signals into the air.
X-Alert has the capability to detect every device using a Bluetooth, WiFi and/or Cellular module that emits these signals to transmit data or periodically search for other devices and networks.
Simplified: X-Alerts detects every wireless device, on the spectrums: Bluetooth, WiFi and Cellular (GSM, GPRS, 4G-LTE, 5G-Ready).

Proactive Security with the ability to Locate + Pinpoint Suspects accurately
The innovative Plug & Play X-Alert Detectors are designed to detect wireless devices in close proximity.
Enabling Security Officers to receive the exact location of an incident and its suspect(s), for factual evidence and proactive action.
In addition, the immutable obtained ‘identifier’: IMSI can help to locate and pinpoint suspects up to tens of kilometers away from the incident location.
Manageable from one cross-device user-friendly intuitive intelligent Dashboard.

Next-Gen Security Technologies combined in one Solution
The state of the art Smart Dashboard is equipped with more advanced capabilities such as:

  • Automatic Risk Classifications
  • Automatic Factual Correlations
  • Automatic Collective Intelligence
  • Automatic Predictive Analytics

Plus, in full Privacy-compliant, as X-Alert does not explicitly identify unknown individuals but detects their presence and collects essential key device identifiers (IMSI).




Partners: X-Systems

Products: Surveillence