ChromAir® Chemical Detection Badges


In some settings, monitoring the amount of exposure is the key to safe working conditions. ChromAir Chemical Detection Badges are designed to detect exposure dose levels to specific toxic chemicals. Because it relies on diffusion, there is no pump to operate. The patented design provides immediate and accurate results throughout the sampling period.


The ChromAir chemical exposure monitoring badge offers six exposure levels, with most indicating from one-tenth to two times the Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL) Time Weighted Average (TWA) for an eight-hour work period. To determine the average concentration, users can locate the highest cell with a color change and divide the corresponding dose level (parts per million times hour) by the sampling time in hours.


Some ChromAir badges can be used with color comparators to pinpoint higher resolution and wider range. These specially designed color charts feature a slot for the badges. After the badge is inserted, the user can move the slider to match the colors. The exposure dose is indicated in the exposure dose window.



Principle of Operations


The ChromAir badge is a colorimetric direct-read monitor. It relies on the principle of diffusion; therefore it requires no pump to operate. Unlike traditional diffusion tubes, the patented design of the ChromAir badge provides a short and constant diffusion path irrespective of the sampling time or concentration. This unique feature provides accurate results immediately and throughout the sampling period.


The ChromAir monitor provides the user with six exposure levels. Most ChromAir badges indicate from 1/10 to 2 times the time-weighted-average for an eight hour work period. The scale printed on the badge and color comparator is based on exposure dose [parts per million times hour (ppm hr)]. To determine the average concentration, locate the highest cell with a color change and divide the corresponding dose level (ppm hr) by the sampling time in hours (hr). EXAMPLE: If the sampling time is 2 hours and the badge reads 40 ppm hr, the average concentration is determined by: 40 ppm hr/2hr. Therefore, the time weighted average concentration is 20 ppm.


ChromAir chemical exposure monitoring badges are available for each of the following toxic chemicals:


Carbon Monoxide



  • Datasheet 1



Partners: Morphix Technologies

Products: Chemical Detection