
Research International designs, manufactures, and sells instruments for detection and identification.




The ANCAM™ 6100 is a portable, machine-vision, multi-analyte lateral flow test reader and communication device. This compact instrument may be used with virtually any single-target or multi-target lateral flow coupon.


Eliminates common errors Lateral flow immunoassay tests are designed to be read by visual inspection. However, human vision is imperfect. The AnCam eliminates errors caused by low light, stressful field conditions, coupon manufacturing defects, out-of-date reagents, or errors in procedure. Its proprietary machine-vision algorithm delivers an independent analysis of the coupon in an enclosed case under controlled lighting – so test results are more sensitive and reliable.


The fastest answers possible Most lateral-flow tests require 15 minutes to incubate. But in certain cases, the AnCam may detect a positive result as early as five minutes, and will alert the user immediately. Threat detection response times may thus sometimes be reduced by as much as a factor of three.


Product Features:

  • Reads most manufacturers’ single and multi-target coupons
  • Coupons are examined using machine vision to minimize human error
  • Results, time and GPS location are automatically archived
  • Transmits data and images to headquarters via local cellular network
  • 24-hour continuous assays
  • Provides early warning in the event of a strong positive
  • Warns user of defective coupons, incorrectly inserted coupons, or no control line
  • Water resistant, durable case
  • Compact design.





BioHawk® is a portable 8-channel bioassay system integrated with an aerosol collector. It is suitable for the high-sensitivity monitoring of biological agents, toxins, explosives, and chemical contaminants. Assay results are typically available in 10 to 20 minutes. BioHawk can be programmed to monitor surrounding air for aerosol threats with the built-in air sampler, and to periodically transfer a wet concentrate from the air sampler to the bioidentifier portion.


Bioassays are performed within a small disposable credit card-sized plastic assay coupon which can be used for up to10 assay procedures before being discarded. Since a single assay coupon can handle up to eight different analytes simultaneously, up to 80 individual assays can be performed before discarding or removing the coupon. Assay results are transmitted a through the touch panel LCD display, an audible alarm, a pulsating light, or by Bluetooth wireless or RS-232 link to personnel at a remote location. System operation may also be remotely controlled in real time.


Functions such as air sampling and bioidentification are performed using multi-step recipes developed by Research International and stored in the system’s computer memory. Users need only the most fundamental level of training since the internal processes and steps are preset through the built-in computerized recipes. For more advanced users, Windows-based software allows the user to develop their own customized sample collection and detection protocols.


Product Features:

  • Man portable. Measures:35.6 cm W x 36.5 cm H x 17.1 cm D. Weighs less than 30 pounds.
  • Air sampler uses multi-stage, wetted-wall cyclone principle for enhanced particulate collection.
  • Air collection at 325 LPM, nominal.
  • Uses disposable wet assay coupon. Reusable up to 10 times. Eight simultaneous assays.
  • Fast assays: 10 – 15 minutes typical.
  • Auto-flush protocols for decontamination.
  • Analyte range: toxins, bacteria, spores, fungi, multi-cellular pathogens.
  • Sensitivity: analyte dependent, 1 to 10 ppb typical for toxins, 100 to 100,000 CFU/ml for bacteria.
  • Operator interface: Day / night touch screen LCD.
  • Designed to MILSPEC 810F.
  • Flash memory retains raw / processed data for over 6,000 assays.





The RAPTOR™ is a rapid, automatic, portable fluorometric 4-channel assay system for monitoring toxins, viruses, bacteria, spores, fungi and other diverse targets. An extremely reliable third-generation product introduced in 2000, users have found these instruments will operate for two years or more with no breakdowns or leaks, and that they will tolerate debris-laden samples such as are produced in mailrooms and food processing facilities – impressive feats for a fully automated wet assay system.


The completely self-contained instrument is the culmination of a careful integration of optics, fluidics, electronics, and software into one compact system for laboratory and field assays. It performs user-defined, multi-step, assay protocols for monitoring fluorescently-labeled chemical reactions occurring on the surface of each of the system’s four disposable optical waveguide sensors. Toxins and bacteria such as ricin and B. anthracis have been detected at levels below <1.0 ng/ml and 100 CFU/ml, respectively. Disposable assay coupons for these and many other targets are now being offered for sale.


Product Features:

  • Compact, portable system (about the size of a car battery)
  • Immunoassay-based biosensor for real time or near real time detection of microbial pathogens
  • Typical assay times of 10-15 minutes
  • Coupons may be reused if test results continue to be negative.
  • Successfully used with urine, whole blood, milk, marine water, 10% meat slurries and slurries of human waste.





QuikChek administers a small aerosol challenge to chemical and biological collection, detection and identification equipment. Many situations arise where it would be useful to have a method for qualitatively determining that equipment is working. With gas detectors, a small pulse of gas is commonly administered to the equipment before it is taken out into the field to see if an upscale reading is obtained. This safety measure is called a ‘bump test’ and shows that the equipment is operational.


For performing both chemical and biological “bump tests,” we provide a medical inhaler that has been charged with a nontoxic pressurized propellant and in the case of biological bump tests, a small amount of simulant powder. When the inhaler canister base is depressed, a fixed volume of propellant and any suspended aerosol material present is discharged as a turbulent jet. Some applications include:


  • Testing air sampling and extraction equipment
  • Testing ultraviolet biological aerosol detectors such as Research International’s TacBio™ aerosol detector
  • Testing bioidentification devices such as tickets (lateral flow immunoassays)
  • Testing gas detectors that have the propellant used in this product in their gas library
  • Studying aerosol dispersion in various settings
  • Equipment demonstrations for customers


The propellant used in RI’s QuikChek aerosol simulants is the same propellant used in most medical inhalers and is of a high purity, with minimal oil and other contaminants. A special high accuracy metered-volume valve is used which provides an output dose that is consistent to within 5% from shot to shot.


Since the simulant materials are physically suspended in the propellant, it is essential that the unit be well shaken before each use. The check source size and shape minimizes issues with airline personnel who otherwise prefer to confiscate all pressurized products found in carry-on luggage.



Product Features:



  • Compact
  • Easy to use
  • Easy to transport
  • Toxin simulants
  • Spore simulants
  • Chemical/flammable gas simulant
  • Repeatable doseage
  • Long life- over 100 shots
  • Nontoxic


  • CBW/TIC gas detectors
  • UV biotriggers
  • Air samplers
  • Lateral flow immunoassays
  • Automated bioers
  • Postal room biothreats
  • Product demonstrations.





In recent years, the number of white powder incidents has grown dramatically. In some areas, powder threats occur frequently, creating tremendous disruption and expense. The QuikTest™ Bioscreen kit is designed to help first responders quickly determine whether a suspicious powder may contain a bioterror agent. The kit can rule out the presence of pathogens or toxins in just five minutes, enabling public safety personnel to immediately screen for potential biothreats in the field before a definitive assessment can be made through laboratory testing.



The product works primarily by using PurpleHaze™ Technology to identify protein, which is found in all living material. All biowarfare agents, including anthrax and ricin, contain protein. Many harmless substances often mistaken to be potential bioterror agents, such as powdered sugar, drywall dust, cornstarch, and many cosmetics, do not contain protein. QuikTest™ also includes a pH test that provides additional information about the sample, as harmful pathogens and toxins tend to be pH neutral.



The protocol is fast and easy to perform. Samples of the suspicious powder are collected using two chemically treated swabs – one for a protein test and one to measure pH levels – and placed within color-coded test tubes. Each test produces a color change in the solution within five minutes if protein is present or if the sample is acidic or basic.


Reading QuikTest Kit Results

Interpreting test results is simple. Within five minutes, one of three results will display, enabling first responders to determine whether a substance represents a potential threat that requires further laboratory testing.


Product Features:


  • Fast: 15 minutes to train, five minutes to results
  • Provides a simple indicator of a potential biological threat
  • Rules out 87% of powders that cause citizens to call 911
  • Save time and resources, and reduce citizen concern over false alarms
  • Used by more than 450 first responder teams and government agencies nationwide
  • Simultaneously screens for the possible presence of multiple agents
  • Laboratory proven to detect anthrax, plague, and ricin
  • Economical
  • Tested by the US Army Edgewood Chemical Biological Center, Metropolitan Health Research Center in Tokyo, and the Battelle Memorial Institute.




Including one of the world’s largest hand-held assays, capable of simultaneously identifying up to 8 different biological threat agents.


Research International sources for its customers the latest in lateral flow immunoassay test strips and kits for biological agent identification. One such source is Alexeter Technologies LLC. Alexeter has created RAID™ (Rapid Assessment Initial Detection) immunoassay strips as an economical pre-screening device designed to quickly evaluate a suspicious powder or liquid in the field or in the laboratory for biothreats. RAID tests offer rapid, on-site, biological field detection for first responders, public safety workers, facility security and military personnel with high sensitivity and specificity against common biothreat agents, including eight recognized by the US CDC as highest risk if used in a terrorist attack: Bacillus anthracis (Anthrax), Francisella tularensis (Tularemia),Yersinia pestis (Plague), Brucellaspp., Botulinum toxin A, Ricin, Staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB), and orthopox (smallpox surrogate). These assays have been developed using highly sensitive and specific antibodies to give rapid high-performance assays with results in 15 minutes. RAID strips are also available in one-agent and 5-agent formats and with sample collection materials as kits.



Product Features:

    – Standard kits include:

  • One RAID-8 HHA
  • Collection swab with sample buffer
  • Resealable bag for collection of waste materials
  • Biohazard label
  • Instruction booklet

– Hand-held

– Economical

– Tests for:

  • Bacillus anthracis
  • Francisella tularensis
  • Yersinia pestis
  • Brucella spp
  • Botulinum toxin A
  • Ricin
  • Staphylococcal enterotoxin B
  • Orthopox





Research International can supply many types of detectors and detection networks for volatile or gaseous chemicals. Depending on the specific application and environment, the best detection method might involve Ion Mobility Spectrometry (IMS); electrochemical sensing; solid state sensing; FTIR; or mass spectrometry. We have relationships with a number of world-class chemical detector manufacturers and in addition manufacture chemical detectors specific to the needs of our multi-threat product, the ASAP V. These various devices operate in conjunction with the ASAP V for either chemical identification or plume characterization following an alarm. If your needs include chemical sensing, we have experience with a number of different products and can help you select the product that best suits your needs – whether it is continuous monitoring or short-term use during an emergency. Detection capabilities include:


– Chemical warfare agents

  • Nerve
  • Blood
  • Blister

– Explosives of all types

– Toxic Industrial Chemicals (TICs)

– Drugs of abuse

– Flammable gases


While most of the devices we offer are point detectors, that is, they sense the targeted gas at the detectors immediate location, we also offer an instrument that can detect and identify gases along a line-of-sight of up to 50 meters. This is particularly suitable for subways, train stations, and sports stadiums. Several wireless detection options are also available. Let us help you find an optimum solution.





The Oracle is a non-contacting gas identifier with part-per-million sensitivity that requires no consumables and which is operable over a wide temperature range.  It is essentially a long baseline infrared spectrometer that identifies gases by comparing their infrared (IR) signatures with a built-in library of target gas signatures.  A beam of infrared light from a remote source ( it may be located up to 50 meters away) is  intercepted and spectrally analyzed by a base station spectrometer.  The unique vibrational spectra associated with the target gases or atmospheric reaction products enable high reliability identification. Figure 1 shows the Oracle installed in an ASAP V.  However, the Oracle may also be used as a stand-alone system.


Advantages of this method are that it is fast (1 second to alarm), sensitive, specific, reliable, and requires no consumables. In contrast to electrochemical detectors, the Oracle has a much lower chance of false readings due to cross-sensitivity, and there are no electrolytes to dry or leak out. In contrast to IMS gas detectors, Oracle’s spectral signatures are generally more unique than IMS signatures and there is a smaller chance of misidentifying the target gas. In addition, there is negligible effect of humidity and there are no scrubber packs to periodically replace.


Perhaps most importantly, the Oracle is not a point sensor – it will detect gases that pass anywhere between its remote light source and the main spectrometer receiver. This means that the probability of detecting a toxic gas plume within the local area is significantly improved since the targeted gas does not have to contact either the remote light source or the instrument. This can also reduce the number of detection devices required for a particular application since area coverage per detector is greatly improved.


The device is provided with Ethernet connectivity. This means that each unit can be queried from  anywhere in the world if the user knows the unit’s  IP address.


Product Features:

  • Fast (1 second)
  • Line, not point sensor
  • Sensitive
  • Detection library of over 40 gases
  • Requires no consumables.


  • Datasheet 1
  • Datasheet 2
  • Datasheet 3
  • Datasheet 4
  • Datasheet 5
