
Innovative, proportionate and efficient:

Record on the edge of your network with Evidence Recorder. An IoT application for the new era of Evidence Capture!
Evidence Reorder is a new dimension in the world of clinical and forensic interviewing, allowing you to record on “on the edge”, by utilising state of the art IoT technology

Evidence Recorder is proportionate, efficient to operate and relevant for teams all across the world.


Attractive Features:
Evidence Recorder has a long list of attractive features to ensure that you maximise your potential. Making sure that you do your job quicker, more accurately and more effortlessly than ever before!
Take advantage of the latest IoT technology to easily capture content.
3rd party integration:
Integrate with other 3rd party solutions.
Minimal training:
Super simple to use and requires minimal training to operate.
More efficient to install and operate compared to other solutions.


Full Features List:

  • Able to integrate with 3rd party solutions
  • Requires minimal training
  • Efficient to install and operate
  • Offline capabilities
  • Decentralized with focus on stability


  • Datasheet 1



Products: Digital Evidence